Frequently Asked Questions

ALL ClikRay holders, rings, rods and biteblocks are fully autoclavable at 270 degrees Fahrenheit, 30PSI, at 15 minutes

What makes this system different from others?

Patient comfort and ease of use ! Due to the small size of ClikRay™, patients do not feel uncomfortable with it. Intuitive ease of use with no instructional manuals or CD’s needed to learn, unlike many competitors. ClikRay™ is unique because the same instrument can hold either digital sensors or x-ray film.

Is this system cost effective for my practice?

Compare ClikRay™ and ClikStik™ to other systems in the marketplace. To take a complete series of dental radiographs requires just one ClikRay™ or ClikStik™. All comparable systems require multiple separate pieces which require both reuse and disposability. Nothing is more cost effective and easy to use as the ClikRay™ and ClikStik™ system.

How long does the ClikRay™ last in daily use?

ClikRay™ is made of a space age plastic designed to allow repeated autoclave cycles of 270 degrees Fahrenheit, 30PSI, at 15 minutes. We recommend replacement of ClikRay™ after 30 days of normal use.

Simply bend the retention arms on either side outward to fit ! The ClikRay™ retention arms are flexible and will work with thin 1.5mm x-ray film to 6.0mm thick sensors.

I have thicker sensors. How can they fit?

Can the ClikRay™ take a 3rd molar view?

If a satisfactory view cannot be obtained in the third molar region because of bite plane interference, just use the other instrument side without the bite plane.

Sensor cover tearing is a common problem with many holders due to the varied thickness and strength of the barrier cover materials. Thicker sensors tend to accentuate the problem. Following the proper technique as outlined on the FAQ page will eliminate the majority of issues. Barrier covers that cover both sensor and ClikRay™ holder may also be used. With thicker sensors in a flexible holder like ClikRay™, a simple solution is to bend the retention arms outward on either side reducing the tension on the barrier sensor cover. Only the ClikRay™ holder’s unique flexibility allows this.

My barrier sensor cover sometimes rips. How can this be prevented?

The ClikRay™ system is available through most dental dealers. It is not sold direct.

Where can I purchase the ClikRay™ system?

ClikRay™”U” works with most current size #2 sensors, ClikRay™ “01″ fits most size #1 sensors including Dexis PLATINUM. ClikRay™ “T1 & T2″ fit Kodak 5000/6000 series sensors. ClikRay™ “K” Series fits Kodak RVG 6100/6500, Gendex , Schick ELITE and Wireless CDR. ClikBite™ “KV” Vertical fits RVG 6100/6500, Gendex, Schick ELITE & Wireless CDR for Vertical bitewings and Anterior views. See our sensor fit guide( page 12 ) for your sensor.

Do I need to use the ClikGuide™ rod and ring attachment?

ANY Biteblock works with ClikStik™ , from ANY manufacturer for x-ray film, PSP plates OR digital sensors. It is truly a universal system that saves both time and money

What biteblocks work with the ClikStik™?

ClikRay sensor covers come in three different sizes to fit any digital sensor. Size 2 covers are a perfect fit for DEXIS™ and Carestream, Schick Elite &Kodak size 2, while the size 1+2 fit thinner size 2 sensors and Carestream, Schick Elite & Kodak size 1 sensors. Size 1 covers fit all thinner size 1 and size 0 sensors

Will ClikRay Sensor Covers work with my system?